Today: July 27, 2024 8:43 am

The Complete Elon Musk–Twitter Saga

We began covering the Elon Musk-Twitter saga in April 2022 when Musk publicly announced his $44 billion hostile takeover of Twitter.

For Musk and Twitter’s (previous) board of directors, 2022 has been a long, drawn-out, legal battlefield. After months of publicly defacing Twitter, Musk was unsatisfied with his results and attempted to back out of the deal. Twitter responded by flipping the script, expecting Musk to pay up.

Now, the deal is done and the question becomes what Elon will do as CEO of Twitter? Will we see changes in the app? To the business? And how might these impact social media marketers?

Be sure to check back to this tracker for regular updates to how the story continues to unfold.

Credit: Social Media Today

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